Don't let that old geezer stop you from passing, so let me show you how...
High tides and low tides comes in waves. Just like your training, you'll have to adjust your ship...
Some days, "just showing up" is good enough. But here's how to avoid being just good enough...
Why everyone finds Blue Belt the most difficult phase of your journey and how you can make it easier for yourself.
Late stage recovery isn't ideal, but it's necessary to learn that there's a possibility at every step. Here's one you can use...
If you plan on competing, you'll need to know a few details to get the most...
How you can use the Leg Weave to dominate the top and why your recovery might be suffering.
If what I'm sharing needs more context, you have the chance to ask me here...
Quite a few readers have asked how I train, recover, juggle work, and write a newsletter...
What I do for my personal training and how I train that makes sense for my overall health.
Knowing these details will *actually* help you sweep and pass more effectively...
If all you know how to do is smash, your Jiu-Jitsu probably isn't very good.